Saturday, September 19, 2009

FXCM Forex Review

Online forex trading is become a hot market, with many companies stepping in and offering their services. The myriad of websites that have entered the market has created some stiff competition, and the resulting hit on commission and trading rates has been felt across the industry. Many people, such as myself, have had a hard time finding a reputable and reliable brokerage to use when investing on the forex market.

FXCM comes at the recommendation of many people, citing their extremely low commission rates and their 24 hour trading. However, when dealing with a commodity like Forex, the user needs to know that they can trust their online brokerage to be fast, reliable, and truthful.

Extending Their Trust

FXCM recognizes the need for trust between themselves and their users, and they have many services set up within their website to help a new user develop that trust. For new Forex traders, they offer a $50,000 practice account that simulates live market situations- a great tool for anyone looking to brush up on the basics, or learn how all of this is done! Users of the practice account can place stop payments, holds, minimum trades, as well as all of the other standard Forex tools and commands.

Any users, be they new or experienced, can log on and join one of FXCM's webinars or watch one of their training videos.

For the more experienced Forex trader, FXCM offers many helpful tools and market analysis's, making it easier to determine what is a good trade, and what is not. They offer daily currency statistics, forcasted economic trends, as well as in depth dissections of some of the most lucrative markets and currencies to be in right now.

About FXCM

FXCM is a multi-national Forex brokerage that is independently regulated in three different continents. Operating as a registered Futures Commission Merchant, FXCM adheres to strict policies regarding conduct, professionalism, and honesty. They have four offices, located in Canada, United States, Hong Kong, and England.

FXCM is a strong advocate of Forex regulation and improved investor protection, and was one of the first to adhere to new regulatory processes when they were introduced in the year 2000