Saturday, September 19, 2009

Forex Enterprise

Forex Enterprise is a huge, profitable company. They are best known for teaching people to make money with foreign currency exchange (hence the name ForEx). Doing this can be very profitable, although it takes a significant amount of money to start.

Once you enroll in the program, they will give you a plug for their currency exchange program, which costs thousands. This is a major turnoff. I prefer companies that allow you to make money without buying anything additional.

The Forex Enterprise makes some ridiculous claims on its website, and that's a red flag. Any company that claims that you can make $100,000 in your first month should be avoided. While you may be able to make some money with Forex Enterprise, it won't be near the amounts that they claim.

Many internet gurus give Forex Enterprise their stamp of approval. I do not recommend it but if you're set on giving it a look the program does come with a thirty day money back guarantee.

I believe that there are better wealth programs on the internet than Forex Enterprise. If you're looking to do currency exchange, Forex Enterprise might be worth giving a look. If you're looking to make money online, there are better places to learn than from Forex Enterprise.